BEME Announces New Marketing Partnership with Ed Hughes


Marketing Elect and Brand Elect (BEME.) are delighted to announce the addition of Ed Hughes as our latest collaborations partner. Ed is somewhat of a legend in the brand and marketing space and has worked with some of the biggest brands and organisations in the world, including: Tetley, Honda, Royal Canin, Wella and Kingsmill.

Ed has worked with many great B2C and B2B2C Brands across the globe. Having Ed and his vast experience on board will allow the BEME team to develop and create and execute innovative and engaging marketing campaigns for existing and new clients.

Ed, Founder of Beacon Marketing Collective, said: 

“I’m delighted to be collaborating with Lee and the BEME team and look  forward to helping new ideas and creativity flourish for our brand partners.”

Ed is an industry expert with an incredible track record of success in marketing and communications, working with a number of household brands and bringing a wealth of knowledge, experience, and fresh perspectives to the consumer brand field.

Our Co-Founder, Lee Callaghan welcomed Ed to the team by saying:

“This is the perfect fit for our business, as we share the same values around purposeful brand communications. I know his guidance and creativity will strengthen our own ‘brand + marketing’ growth strategy.”

Here at BEME, we create purposeful stories and grow memorable brands. So whether you’re a company or consumer brand in the B2C sector, or a business looking to leverage the B2B2C channels, the BEME team is here to maximise your commercial opportunities.

Brand Elect & Marketing Elect are a collaborative, full-service marketing and communications agency that helps businesses of all sizes grow their brands and reach their target audiences. 

Our Core Services include (but are not limited to): Brand Development, Brand Culture, Employee Value Propositions, Video Creation, Website Development, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Paid Media (Traditional and Digital), SEO & Pay Per Click Campaigns, Design Services, Event Management & Collateral, Business Growth Strategies & Brand Activations. 

No matter if you’re a service-driven enterprise seeking to broaden your customer reach or a consumer brand aiming to boost brand recognition, our client-centric focus goes one step further by answering business needs and providing emotive responses. We meticulously analyse individual audiences by understanding how each and every customer feels, interacts with and interprets a brand. This enables businesses to form lasting relationships with customers and clients, which encourages long-term growth.

Get in touch to transform your business today.

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